Incentives & Support Programs
Great Bend Economic Development, along with the State and other partners, has a toolbelt of growth tools available for incoming or expanding businesses. Highlighted below are a few of the opportunities that are always available. Please know, that there are often opportunities that are temporary in nature and therefore may not be highlighted here. For that reason and more, we are here to help and guide you through making available any of the current opportunities that may exist. Contact us today for questions or to start a project.
The Kansas Department of Commerce offers several incentive programs to spur growth in Kansas. Most often used are their Promoting Employment Across Kansas (PEAK) program and their High Performance Incentive Program (HPIP). These programs are designed to offer tax incentives to businesses that are expanding their workforce, building new structures, adding more equipment, improving infrastructure and more. If you feel like your business may be a fit or just have more questions, please contact us today.
As a NetWork Kansas E-Community we have made a commitment to cultivating an entrepreneurial environment by identifying and developing resources to help local entrepreneurs start or grow businesses. We have partnered with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, to increase connectivity to resources available to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses, to initiate activities to generate entrepreneurial development, and to participate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities. If you have more questions about how to access this loan fund please contact us today.
Great Plains Development, Inc. provides professional leadership and technical assistance in financing, loan packaging, and business planning to individuals, businesses and government agencies for the purpose of stimulating economic development within their 28 county district. Together, GBED and Great Plains Development will look through the available loan and/or grant options and find the best fit for your business. If you feel like your business may benefit from this option or just have more questions, please contact us today.
The Kansas Small Business Development Center serves as the premier consulting organization for the small business owner. All services and workshops are offered at no cost or low cost with a commitment to serving businesses and communities in southeast Kansas. The KSBDC is located in the Center for Innovation and Business Development.
A benefit of IRBs issued by cities and counties is eligibility for full or partial property tax abatement for the financed facilities for up to 10 years and a sales tax exemption for labor and materials purchased for new facilities. If you feel like your business may be a fit or just have more questions, please contact us today.
This program is designed to give property owners the opportunity to receive a five or ten year incremental rebate on the additional property taxes that might be incurred as a result of constructing new buildings or making improvements to existing ones. If you are building new construction or making improvements on a residential, commercial, or industrial property, the project may be eligible for this tax rebate. If you feel like your business may be a fit or just have more questions, please contact us today.
Economic Development Exemptions (EDX) are used to encourage manufacturing, research and development and warehousing/distribution companies to grow in Great Bend. Taxes on improvements to land and buildings can be exempt for up to 10 years. All new business machinery and equipment are permanently exempt under state law. The percentage of taxes abated is based on job creation and capital investment. If you feel like your business may be a fit or just have more questions, please contact us today.
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Just Around the Bend!
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